Third Conference on Advances In Additive Manufacturing
May 17-19, 2024 - Occidental Marco Polo, Hammamet, Tunisia
AIAM 2024
The AIAM'2024 is an important opportunity for those involved in the additive manufacturing field to discuss and exchange valuable experiences and express concerns from concept to the commercialization phase of the process. Research perspectives regarding the pre-processing, processing, and post-processing stages of the AM process are addressed in plenum sessions, oral presentations, and interactive posters.
It is made even more thrilling by the competition for AM, and the additional incentives.
You're all welcome to join us to grow your network, honor achievement, and depart with valuable rewards and priceless memories.
Conf. Chairman: Pr. Noureddine Ben YAHIA.
Other related topics will also be considered
T1 : Material grades AM: Metallic, Polymer, Ceramic, Bio-material, Composite, Nano-composites.
T2 : Welding Based AM: WAAM, CMT.
T3 : AM improvement: Material Flow, Thermal Behavior Modeling and Simulation, optimization approaches and inverse methods.
T4 : Computer Aided-Design for AM: Topology, Multiscale Structure, Multi-Material, Mass Customization, Parts Consolidation, Cellular Structures.
T5 : Biomechanics in AM.
T6 : Characterization of AM parts: Microstructures, Material behavior, Corrosion, Surface Integrity, Fatigue.
T7 : 4D printing: design, material and multifunctional properties.
T8 : Automation: Supply Chain, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in AM.
T9 : Civil engineering : Construction and Architecture in AM
T10 : Post-processing of AM parts: machining, post treatments.
T11 : Environmental & Ecological impacts of AM.
Submission deadline from
January 15th 2024 to February 15th, 2024
Submission deadline of revised papers
February 28th, 2024
Conference meeting
March 17 to 19th, 2024
Conference Location Concorde Marco Polo, Hammamet, Tunisia
How to participate
Everyone has a place at the AIAM 2024, whether you are a fan for AM, researcher, engineer, or industry professional.
The AIAM'2024 conference is an exceptional opportunity to expand your network, engage with industry experts, and stay informed about the latest advancements in the field of AM.
Options for participation may include research papers (experimental studies are highly encouraged), posters, and/or industrial speakers who may enlighten the audience about the AM machine technology and industrial applications.
Publishing Opportunities
Outstanding publications addressing the AM technology and applications will be chosen for publication in a journal with impact factor, giving your research widespread exposure and making a significant contribution to the advancement of AM.
Release of the AIAM'2023